How can you help?
Become a foster parent - the number of dogs we can save is contingent upon the number of foster parents we have. We'll work with you to find the right foster dog for your family, making room for one the dogs below. More on fostering...
Sponsor one of the dogs below - make a donation that will allow us to pull the dog, provide boarding, and get it veterinary care. Donate today...
Please note - previous LSBR dogs whose families need to
surrender back to rescue are NOT part of this hold. PLEASE contact us
if this situation pertains to you.
As of November 23, 09, LSBR is sadly but officially on "rescue hold" and will be unable to rescue any boxers in local shelters or take in any owner surrender boxers without full sponsorship of vetting, boarding and/or foster care. We are asking other rescues/rescuers and members of the public to please help the boxers that come in to our area shelters. LSBR will be happy to courtesy post.
This difficult decision was made as a result of LSBR's lack of funds, reduction in available fosters and boarding options, reduction in active volunteers, reduction in adoption applications and finally, an overwhelming number of dogs needing rescue. LSBR hopes this situation will improve with a focus on fundraising and an effort to adopt out the current dogs in rescue.
If you are interested in helping a boxer on "rescue me", please contact the intake team at You will be asked to sponsor the dog's vetting and either offer the dog foster care or donate a minimum of one month's boarding expense (avg. $200 per month).
For the past 10 years, LSBR has rescued hundreds and hundreds of boxers in need and never discriminates against dogs that are old, sick, injured, heartworm positive, white, with tails or without, etc., We believe that is what rescue is all about. We have responded to the pleas of other rescuers and shelters from not only the Houston area but from all over Texas and beyond.
Now LSBR has to ask for YOUR help.
Unfortunately, fundraising and donations have not kept up with the number of dogs we have taken and placed in wonderful homes. The average cost to rehabilitate a boxer is $600.
Please consider fostering "Just One Dog" and joining LSBR as a volunteer to help with fundraising and many other activities. Thank you for your understanding and support!
Please help us help them...

We also usually have very little information about a specific dog (for example, if it is good with children, or if it has medical problems, etc.). Shelters simply aren’t the ideal environment for evaluating a dog. The dogs are usually sick, frightened, and/or anxious, and the shelters are very loud.
As much as we appreciate the $50 donations to help us pull a dog from a shelter, we cannot guarantee that a specific dog will be pulled. The funds will definitely help pull a dog from a shelter, but we can’t tell you that your money will go toward one particular dog. However, if we received a substantial donation for a specific dog, we will do everything we can to make sure that dog gets pulled.
The following are problems regarding pulling dogs from shelters:
- The owner reclaims their dog.
- The shelter adopts to the public.
- Another rescue pulls the dog.
- Behavioral issues manifest themselves in the shelter.
- The shelter euthanizes the dog because it gets too sick.
We desperately need your donations to continue to pull dogs from shelters, but we also want you to understand the constraints we deal with when working with shelters, each of whom has different policies regarding the dogs they take in.
All we can do is promise you that we will do everything we can to rescue every dog we can. Just as in life, there are no guarantees of the outcome. Thank you for your continued support of our efforts.
Please help us help them...
Flashy Fawn Male Boxer
Pasadena Animal Control
- ~3 years old
- ID #A067870
This pup needs our help as soon as possible.
To take immediate action please email
Brindle Male Boxer
- ~5 years old
- ID #A136886
This pup needs our help as soon as possible.
To take immediate action please email
Fawn Female Boxer
Pasadena Animal Control
- ~2 years old
- ID #A069247
This pup needs our help by Monday October 18.
To take immediate action please email
Fawn Male Boxer
- ~9 months old
- ID #A146788
This pup needs our help by Monday October 18.
To take immediate action please email
Fawn Male Boxer
- ID #A312385
This pup needs our help by Monday October 18.
To take immediate action please email
Fawn Male Boxer
- ~1 year old
- 11/23/2009 - This pup was adopted through the shelter!