Animal Success Stories
Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!
Sugar Plum
Sugar Plum (now Sugar Bear) is a happy little girl with a bundle of energy. We are so lucky to have her as part of the family. She loves her walks twice a day and her favorite is to chase shadows (she may be part cat). Our boys throw the football back and forth and she chases the shadow for as long as the ball is being thrown. She will literally play that game for hours if we let her. She loves water and has found the top step of the pool to jump in and cool off. The Hinton Family
Sugar Plum (now Sugar Bear) is a happy little girl with a bundle of energy. We are so lucky to have her as part of the family. She loves her walks twice a day and her favorite is to chase shadows (she may be part cat). Our boys throw the football back and forth and she chases the shadow for as long as the ball is being thrown. She will literally play that game for hours if we let her. She loves water and has found the top step of the pool to jump in and cool off. The Hinton Family